
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Digging up the past

In 2008, our university class worked together in compiling an online educational game about conserving power in your everyday life. It was called Mission CO2. Never heard of it? Well that would be because some groups fucked up their sections and it halted launching the project for another 4 months....then another 4 months.....and put it this way, it still hasn't been properly launched. The project had a lot of promise but, in all honesty, became a lost cause because students of 3rd year last year worked on it and it still wasn't completed.

Here's what became of that game:

Why have I decided to shed some light on this project? Because I worked on the chef section with a bunch of mates and it was one of the few sections that WORKED AND WAS AWESOME! I was an 3D animator and did a fair bit of post production work on it.

Any who, at the very start of the project, we were all asked to submit character designs for what our main "Carbon Tradies" line up should have looked like. Here is what I came up with and what was quoted "too toony". (P.S. The Robot transforms into a lawn mower ^_^)

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