
Monday, February 15, 2010

Monthly Music Video #1

N.A.S.A: Tom Waits + Kool Keith, Spacious Thoughts (BB Video) 

I saw this the other morning on TV and it instantly reminded me of Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy" visually.
But the sound is so much different. This is my music video choice for the month.

TOY FAIR TIME! *Screaming inner child*

Toy Fair 2010 has just arrived and man-o-man is it looking awesome (as most of the stuff coming out of it usually does).
OK, based on particular departments/companies, here's my "wants" coming out from this years convention.

Iron Man 2 figures - New Avengers Iron Man, War Machine (90's), War Machine (Movie)

Marvel Select:

Terminator 2 - T1000


Predator 2 - Predator
Nightmare On Elm St (Remake) - Freddy

 DC/ Mattel:
DC Classics - Tomar Tu and Guy Gardner (WANT!)

DC Classics - Zatanna (WANT!)

DC Universe - Green Lantern Hal Jordan and Sinestro


Ghostbusters - Peter Venkman (Slimed) and Paranormal Investigator Ray Stantz
So far the DC Classics line are probably my main highlights from the Toy Fair so far simply because they're just so damn well sculpted. And the Guy Gardner figure is probably one of the best green lantern figures I have seen so far, even better than most of the Blackest Night series. That said though, I'm still hanging out for this item in particular:

Yes, it's the NEW Bat Girl. But it's just so beautiful a sculpt.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sketch time 1


Drew these buggers up when I was keeping an eye on my mum's market stall. Quite happy with how they turned out. Sorry about the quality and shadowing on the image, scanner has gone with my bro (moved out) and I used my Digital SLR to get them on the compy.
I'm a massive MGS fan, so I figured I'd try Snake in the new styling and try drawing a male character for once.
Power Girl. She's one of the few DC heroes that are clear in my mind if and when drawing. Although i haven't read much in the DC Universe about her. Only know bits and pieces from Infinite Crisis.

Preview of what I'm going to be working on next. Yes that is supposed to be Hayley Williams from Paramore. But it's not just her who's being worked on ;)

Christmas Commissions

Ah commissions, these have been alot of fun since they're my first batch I've done...ever...commission wise. I'm still working on the last 3 and then they're all finished.

The order for commission line 1:
Minja and Brighid as Dominatrixes, Danny as an Incredible, Ash with her Charizard Seth and for Bec, her boyfriend as Supes.

The order for commission line 2:
Ben Harper for Janna, Spike for Ale, Kt and Buffy killing Edward Cullen for Caitlin(kt) and Candy(yes that is her real name) as a Queen.

*All illustrations have been toned in Flash

Then and Now

A good while ago now, I was told by some one with experience, "If you're not Asian, don't draw anime styled pictures". Wise advice. Why? Because most places will not hire you for work that everyone else knows how to do. Jap-anime has become an over done style. Like most people, I used to draw in a darker and kinda more detailed anime style. So, since recieving that advice, I had been busting my arse off to do westernised styled work and develop my own style. It was only last year where I went "Red Lantern" on some people that I discovered a fun, quick and straight-forward western style of toon/illustration. The image attached to this post is a comparison of how it used to be (2006, left) and what it is now (2009+, right).

The character style comparison is of Asuka Langley Sorhyu from tv's Neon Genesis Evangelion. Brilliant anime, if you haven't heard of it then you suck and you must Wikipedia it. I grew up with it in primary school and still hold it in high regard now. And even though she's a mega bitch, Asuka was my favourite character from the show.
I've had the sketch from 2006 saved on my DA account for a while, but the newer styling one I feel has that bit more...personality in it. What do you guys think?

Digging up the past

In 2008, our university class worked together in compiling an online educational game about conserving power in your everyday life. It was called Mission CO2. Never heard of it? Well that would be because some groups fucked up their sections and it halted launching the project for another 4 months....then another 4 months.....and put it this way, it still hasn't been properly launched. The project had a lot of promise but, in all honesty, became a lost cause because students of 3rd year last year worked on it and it still wasn't completed.

Here's what became of that game:

Why have I decided to shed some light on this project? Because I worked on the chef section with a bunch of mates and it was one of the few sections that WORKED AND WAS AWESOME! I was an 3D animator and did a fair bit of post production work on it.

Any who, at the very start of the project, we were all asked to submit character designs for what our main "Carbon Tradies" line up should have looked like. Here is what I came up with and what was quoted "too toony". (P.S. The Robot transforms into a lawn mower ^_^)

Friday, February 12, 2010


Brief rundown, I'm Ev Jones, an independent illustrator/animator/multimedia designer who has completed his Honors Degree in Multimedia Design and now I'm in the real world...woot!
I've worked on a few blogs in the past, however they have all been a part of my university studies.

So I've finally decided to start up one of my very own, based on what people seem to find most fascinating about me, the artwork I produce. But not only that, I'll update with awesome shiite and other things too. And as some people may know, I'll be out of Australia in 5 months and 5 days, working in Disney World Orlando, Florida. So this blog will be a news/journal page while I'm traveling.

Another reason (and the main one too) is so that I can record my progress to my dream career, which is to be an animator in Disney Toon Studios, California. I am aiming to do this within the next 18 months. "That's quite a task for such a small amount of time" you say? Well I'm determined to make it happen.