
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Christmas Commissions

Ah commissions, these have been alot of fun since they're my first batch I've done...ever...commission wise. I'm still working on the last 3 and then they're all finished.

The order for commission line 1:
Minja and Brighid as Dominatrixes, Danny as an Incredible, Ash with her Charizard Seth and for Bec, her boyfriend as Supes.

The order for commission line 2:
Ben Harper for Janna, Spike for Ale, Kt and Buffy killing Edward Cullen for Caitlin(kt) and Candy(yes that is her real name) as a Queen.

*All illustrations have been toned in Flash

1 comment:

  1. Great job have to go to my blog & see my new t-shirt. It goes well with Caitlin's commission.
