
Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy Engagement Bill & Ash

Friend of mine from High School recently got engaged and I had no idea on how to give them a memorable present. So I drew up a sketch for them (along with money for their wedding). This is probably the first of a few to come. I was happy with how this came out (simply because of how quickly and cleanly I did it) and so were they (apparently so much so they're getting it framed).

Monthly Music Video #6

It's early but I don't care, I figured in the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death I'd do a tribute (and also he died on my birthday last about enthusiasm from people last year, sheesh). So this will technically be July's video

Leave Me Alone by Michael Jackson.
Say what you want about the man, but damn was he a hell of a musician/performer/dancer. I still remeber seeing this on "Moonwalker" when it came out on VHS.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Monthly Music Video #5

Man, I had so many freaking wicked music videos and songs in my early teen years, thank god for 90's rock. Tool is quite renowned for their music videos as well as their music, but their stop motion videos are just....haunting. "Sober" was one of the first few that I was exposed to by accident one late night on TV. It still sticks with me visually and mentally.

The Lonely Man - Young Mavericks production

For a little while now, I've been working a Steve Sheldon and my brother (Tristan) on animating a music video called "The Lonely Man" by the Young Mavericks. There have been meetings for this and it has only been recently that we've completed an animatic for it. In most cases, it's probably one of the more "flowing" animatics that I have produced in my time. Essentially some parts have been animated to a degree and others have been composited in with the video footage. Now it's the finalised animation stage and i want to get this done within this month. I keep on mentioning that I'm working on a music video to people and they're never sure what to say, well here's some snapshots from the video of how it's looking: