
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Henshin A-HEY WHAT THE F###?!?

I know it's been out for a while now, but I just got my hands on a copy of Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble on ze Gamecube. I was psyched because of how long it had been since I played 1 and 2 and I love my Capcom//Fighting games. This however made me realise how unforgiving the Viewtiful Joe series really was (I refuse to play easy mode in games). Red Hot Rumble is hell when it wants to be, but is still good wholesome fun in my books. In saying that, I decided to add Joe to the "Clash" sketch I'm working on earlier than planned.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Kt

I figured I'd be nice and do a continuation of a pic she requested a little while ago
(For the record: BtVS so totally pwns Twilight, many MANY times over)

Capcom: Clash of Heroes

I've always wanted to do a CAPCOM group piece, but I've never been able to decide who i want in it, nor did i have the artistic ability to pull it off in the past. Now I'm feeling confident and I genuinely believe I can pull this off now.
At the moment I have drawn up:
- Akuma
- Dante
- Morrigan
- Maximo
- Megaman
Hoping to put in:
- Captain Commando
- Frank West
- Viewtiful Joe
- Leon S. Kennedy
- Cody 
- Phoenix Wright 
- Amaterasu
- Strider
 Other Games I'm wanting to add in:
- Demon's Crest
- Other Street Fighter
- Rival Schools
- Other Darkstalkers
- Red Earth
- Killer 7
- Onimusha

More will hopefully pop into mind but I can't really be bothered right now. Point is, this is going to be one of my biggest pieces. Any ideas, shoot us a line.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Pin Ups

Ah, my Pin-Up series, each done in a night. Only 3 at the moment but I'm still proud of them and more will be on the way, even if they are kinda revealing.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Monthly Music Video #3

I loved this film when i came out....noting I was about 8/9 when it did hit the cinemas. But the music video always stuck with me. It also happened to be my introduction to U2. I thought they were some sorta insane alternative band....then later on I discovered who they were really and I was kinda disappointed. Still, "Hold me, Thrill me, Kiss me, Kill me" by U2 is still a strong animated music clip in my mind.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Get out of my dreams...and into my CAR(s)

Car illustrations for Music Networx, Germany, latest illustration job = completed

Minus Florida, Plus Cintiq21UX

Alright, as some of you have been notified already, I have decided NOT to go to Florida to work in Disney World in the hospitality biz. Why? Because I believe it is not sustainable living when you work for $7.25 an hour within a NON-TIPPABLE service. I don't care if I'd get 45+ hours a week working, that is slave labour for a person my age. So I'm sad to say, no Florida experience for me yet. However, I have decided to bump things up a notch professionally though. A while ago, I was investigating into a product called a Cintiq21UX  2nd Gen monitor. It works like a Wacom Graphics Tablet but you draw right on the monitor and it's awesome. They were priced at $4000AUD when I first checked them out. But now they have dropped to the awesome price of $2750AUD. So the money I have saved up will be going towards this....and a trip away somewhere else.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Art styles - Chris Sanders

There's this group thing on DA that I signed up to that gives you challenges to work with every so often. One recently was to create a character in the style of Chris Sanders (Creator of Lilo and Stitch and How To Train Your Dragon). This was my take for the challenge. No prizes, just old school fun.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Supa Nova Expo

Well, I didn't make it to it yesterday but I managed to fit time in to go to the SuperNova Expo down at the Melbourne Showgrounds today (whilst helping out Mum with her market work). I heard it was insane busy yesterday but today was kind of average crowd from what I saw. Way too many Akatsuki and Organisation XIII cosplayers in my opinion. Picked up a few GL comics that I haven't been able to find online, met Stewart McKenny thanks to my bro (for those who don't know, he has done the artwork for the Clone Wars Adventures comics, Captain America and Super Friends). Really nice guy. And at long last, managed to purchase a commission from one of my favourite UDON artists, Chamba. My bro keeps on going to these comic-cons and sees him there and I'm usually working or not quite in the same country at the time. But I finally got a commission...I was stuck between getting a bust of MegaMan or Dante from Devil May Cry. Below is what the result was. I'm damn happy with it, although I'm curious as to what Dante may have turned out like...maybe next time.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

DevArt fan Pic

 A little while back, I hit 7,000 views on my DevArt page (woot) and to celebrate I offered the chance to a wacther to have anything they'd want drawn and coloured. One lucky viewer won and asked for this. Character design and bodily movement wise (and the TV image) I'm quite happy with. Wish i could've done more with the toning though...oh well, beggars can't be choosers...or in some cases they can *shakes fist*

Professionalism (part 1)

Finally posting up the line work I had done for Music Networx. 
It's funny how 'simple' is exactly what a businesses want these days. These ended up being used in promotional material they pitched to companies (such as VW ^_^)