
Monday, March 1, 2010

Then and Now: Me and Animation

For years, I've had a thing for the traditional animation industry, but I never really knew much about the technology behind it (aside from the whole "draw one frame and then another and then another and then another" routine). It wasn't until 2004 that I was introduced to digital it's most horrid format possible. I didn't get introduced to animation through Flash, no that would've been a benefit. Instead, we were taught PowerPoint, frame by frame animation. 
 If I could travel back in time, I would punch my media teacher in the kidneys. That said, it's not like the ideas weren't there. Me in Year 11, I wasn't necessarily the most inspired child but there were some....'ideas' floating about. The illustration that you see before you in all its shapey glory is the first incarnation of "Jimbob the Time Bum". 

You have to admit, you didn't see that one coming. Essentially, Jimbob accidentally comes across a rip in our dimension and decides to have a closer inspection of it and essentially ends up in the prehistoric era, gets chased by a T-Rex, outsmarts it and gets back to his own time where his brain can't comprehend what has happened and so his head explodes into little pieces. That it in a nutshell. It wasn't until recently that I was trying to come up with some character ideas that I remembered about some that i did in my early years and decided to revamp them. Jimbob 2004, meet Jimbob 2010. 

Differences? Instead of coming across a rip in the fabric of time, scientists in some random lab accidentally lose their latest invention (a time traveling remote) and Jimbob finds it in the dumpster just outside the building/lab. And so Jimbob's adventures through time begins.
This is one project that I would love to plan out, but having the assistance on it and the time frame with work n' all, I'll see how I go.

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